CORTIJO SANTOBASTIAN Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a completely natural olive juice with no additives nor preservatives, obtained from the first cold squeeze of the olives. This oil is catalogued and registered by the Regulatory Competent Authority of the Sierra de Segura Denomination of Origin in Jaén, and only that one with the “best” and “unique” quality is chosen carefully and exclusively for the company. Ours is for sure one of the best olive oils of the whole Sierra de Segura.
Proceeding from olives of a variety called “PICUAL”, the most common in the area, this oil is fruity, lightly bitter, of nice taste and very balanced, reminding constantly the fruit from which it comes. It should be emphasized that the colour of the oil turns from green to golden yellow as it matures. It is an oil with a very low acidity (< 0,3 o) and great stability which allows it to keep its characteristics for a very long time.
Thanks to its high content in oleic acid and its richness in pro-vitamin A and vitamin E, it contributes to the reduction of cholesterol levels and prevents cardiovascular diseases.
If you are in Europe you can buy our Extra Virgin Olive Oil online. If you are out of Europe or need any kind of info or support to buy or distribute CORTIJO SANTOBASTIAN you can send us a mail to or fill the following contact form.
We Thank You Very Much for your interest!